Song Request List

Ready to start picking dance party music? After you’ve logged in, you can start picking music right away. Just enter any names you like in the title or artist field and press enter to search. The results will be displayed below. To add a song to your “Must Play”, “Play if Possible” or “Do Not Play” list, click the + icon and choose the corresponding option.

You will receive access to the planning tools two months prior to your event date. If you’d like to get a head start, email us anytime and we’ll help get you started.

Your selections will be saved automatically and you can continue your work later. Once you have added songs to your request list, you can also add extra notes such as dedications or special instructions by clicking “View Request List” and then clicking the Note button next to the song.

When your request list is complete and ready for submission, please click the “Planning” icon and use the checkbox to “Mark as Complete”.

IMPORTANT: If you previously saved your request list by entering your event date and email address, please follow the instructions to set a password to access your list moving forward.